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Coating Solutions Via New Website

August 15, 2013

Carbit Launches New Website Emphasizing “Coating Solutions” – Thanks to You!

After much hard work by a number of good people, we are launching a new website featuring our “coating solutions” message.

“Coating Solutions” is not new to Carbit or to our customers. Carbit has been customizing products and tailoring services in response to our customer’s desires for years. These “solutions” have taken many forms. Examples range from developing solutions as basic as maintaining stock levels of particular paints so that we can supply our customers more readily, to projects as complex as developing, formulating and private-labeling new products.

We understand (and like) that the term “coating solutions” can cover a wide range of possibilities. And though we can’t guarantee that we can solve every problem that we come across, we can promise to listen.

Please check back frequently as our site evolves. We will be providing more examples of “coating solutions”, not only from problems solved in the past, but also any problems we will address in the future.

Now on to the important part. . .

Whether you are:
• A customer who has challenged us to a create coating solution for your unique situation,

• A long time employee who has worked hard to continue our tradition of quality products delivered with a family-friendly touch, or

• A trusted vendor who has helped us to keep pace with the newest technologies.

You have helped Carbit to continue into what is now its 88th year. I can’t thank you enough.

Dave Westerman, “Jr.”