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Fast Turnaround Maintenance Painting

August 26, 2013

Categories: Coating Solutions, Maintenance Painting, News

Well maintained mechanical rooms, janitor closets, laundries, back-corridors, stairways, etc., contribute to positive employee attitudes. They also promote safer working conditions and valuable public relations when viewed by the public. Frequently, however, maintenance painting is postponed due to: surface preparation requirements paint odor complaints paints taking too long to dry The common mandate that a… Read More

High-Hiding Paint Colors

August 19, 2013

Categories: News, Paint Problem

Tags: color, paint

High-Hiding Paint Colors The choice of a paint color affects the total cost of a product in many ways. The reasoning goes beyond the simple cost of the paint itself. Often times, it has to do with the whether or not the color is a high-hiding paint color. It is generally recognized that some paint… Read More

Coating Solutions Via New Website

August 15, 2013

Categories: Coating Solutions, News

Tags: Carbit website, Coating Solutions, Dave Westerman Jr.

Carbit Launches New Website Emphasizing “Coating Solutions” – Thanks to You! After much hard work by a number of good people, we are launching a new website featuring our “coating solutions” message. “Coating Solutions” is not new to Carbit or to our customers. Carbit has been customizing products and tailoring services in response to our… Read More

Paint Drying Problems

July 9, 2013

Categories: Coating Solutions, News

Painting is usually at the end of the manufacturing process. Paint drying can be the reason that delivery schedules are met and paint drying problems the reason they are missed. Sometimes, after months of everything running smoothly, panic takes over because the paint isn’t dry and a shipping date is not met. Eventually, it’s important… Read More